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Brochure »Ausgezeichnet!«

  • Annual Brochure 2024 (in German)

    Annual Brochure 2024 (in German)

    It contains an overview of award-winning new productions from classical music, pop-rock, folk and jazz. Published in March 2024.

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Lists of Winners

  • Long List 3/2024

    with all 280 nominations for the Quarterly Critic’s Choice 3/2024 (in German), published on 5th July 2024

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  • Honorary Awards & Nightingale 2024

    with all rationales, published on 1st December 2023

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  • Annual Awards 2023

    The 10 Annual Awards of 2023 with statements (in English), published on 27th September 2023

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Download Archive

Includes all publications of the last 13 years.

Reglementations & Price List

  • Current Implementing Regulations

    Includes all dates and regulations of 2024 and 2025

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  • Current Price List

    Price List for the golden stickers of the Quarterly Critic’s Choice and the Annual Awards (in English).

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Social Media Sticker

  • Nominated for the ...

    Nominated for the ...

    JPG, 72 dpi (in German)

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  • Nominated for the ...

    Nominated for the ...

    PNG, 72 dpi (in German)

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  • Awarded with the ... (Quarterly Critic’s Choice)

    Awarded with the ... (Quarterly Critic’s Choice)

    JPG, 72 dpi (in German)

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  • Awarded with the ... (Quarterly Critic’s Choice)

    Awarded with the ... (Quarterly Critic’s Choice)

    PNG, 72 dpi (in German)

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  • Annual Award

    Annual Award

    JPG, 72 dpi (in German)

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  • Annual Award

    Annual Award

    PNG, 72 dpi (in German)

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  • Honorary Award

    Honorary Award

    JPG, 72 dpi (in German)

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  • Honorary Award

    Honorary Award

    PNG, 72 dpi (in German)

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»Nachtigall« Trophy (Nightingale)

  • The finished Nachtigall in the atelier of Daniel Richter

    The finished Nachtigall in the atelier of Daniel Richter

    Photo Credit: Boris Streubel

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  • Nachtigall, with red background

    Nachtigall, with red background

    Photo Credit: Boris Streubel

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  • Nachtigall, with plain background

    Nachtigall, with plain background

    Photo Credit: Boris Streubel

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