The Jury

The independent body of currently 154 jurors is as heterogeneous as the range of musical genres and word art productions. At present, there are 32 juries. Five experts per jury determine and evaluate the best new productions. What all jurors have in common is a profound knowledge of the genre they asses. All jury members of the PdSK e.V. do their work for the »German Record Critics’ Award« voluntarily.

1 Symphonic and Orchestral Music

Maria Gnann
Peter Hagmann
Michael Kube
Peter Stieber
Rainer Wagner

2 Concertos

Lothar Brandt
Norbert Hornig
Jörg Lengersdorf
Michael Stegemann
Christian Wildhagen

3 Chamber Music I (only strings, without piano)

Susann El Kassar
Bernhard Hartmann
Benjamin Herzog
Susanne Stähr
Lotte Thaler

4 Chamber Music II (with piano/with winds/soloinstruments)

Andreas Göbel
Volker Hagedorn
Ludwig Hartmann
Ida Hermes
Elisabeth Richter

5 Keyboard Music I (Piano, Fortepiano, Synthesizer)

Kalle Burmester
Attila Csampai
Marie-Theres Himmler
Christoph Vratz
Gregor Willmes

6 Keyboard Music II (Harpsichord, Organ, Clavichord, Reed Organ)

Sabine Fallenstein
Martin Hoffmann
Guido Krawinkel
Yvonne Petitpierre
Friedrich Sprondel

7 Opera I (from baroque up to bel canto)

Eleonore Büning
Martin Elste
Kai Luehrs-Kaiser
Max Nyffeler
Michael Stallknecht

8 Opera II (Romantical Opera to Modern Opera, Musical, Operetta, Ballet)

Robert Braunmüller
Manuel Brug
Alexander Dick
Karl Harb
Wolf-Dieter Peter

9 Choral Music and Vocal Ensemble

Susanne Benda
Wolfram Goertz
Peter Korfmacher
Martin Mezger
Regine Müller

10 Lieder and Vocal Recital

Julia Kaiser
Jürgen Kesting
Holger Noltze
Markus Thiel
Albrecht Thiemann

11 Early Music

Wolf-Christian Fink
Matthias Hengelbrock
Carsten Niemann
Uwe Schweikert
Bettina Winkler

12 Contemporary Classical Music

Marco Frei
Nina Polaschegg
Tuula Simon
Egbert Tholl
Margarete Zander

13 Historical Classical Recordings

Stephan Bultmann
Norbert Hornig
Jürgen Schaarwächter
Wolfgang Schreiber
Thomas Voigt

14 Crossover Productions

Nikolaus Gatter
Christoph Irrgeher
Bert Noglik
Ljubiša Tošić
Heinz Zietsch

15 Film Music

Stephan Ahrens
Milena Fessmann
Malte Hemmerich
Joachim Mischke
Jenni Zylka

16 Music Film (Musical Dokumentations etc)

Helge Grünewald
Juan Martin Koch
Andreas Kunz
Thorsten Lorenz
Nanna Schmidt

17 Jazz I (traditional)

Lothar Jänichen
Berthold Klostermann
Rainer Nolden
Werner Stiefele
Marcus A. Woelfle

18 Jazz II (contemporary)

Guenter Hottmann
Peter Kemper
Hans-Jürgen Linke
Bert Noglik
Matthias Wegner

19 World Music

Jürgen Frey
Johann Kneihs
Jodok W. Kobelt
Rainer Skibb
Johannes Theurer

20 Traditional Ethnic Music

Tom Daun
Stefan Franzen
Ulrich Morgenstern
Jan Reichow
Britta Sweers

21 German language Singer/Songwriters

Jochen Arlt
Rainer Katlewski
Michael Laages
Hans Reul
Petra Schwarz

22 Folk and Singer/Songwriters

Gabriele Haefs
Mike Kamp
Almut Kückelhaus
Jo Meyer
Sabrina Palm

23 Pop

Ralf Dombrowski
Philipp Holstein
Wolf Kampmann
Fabian Peltsch
Andreas Vierziger

24 Rock

Manfred Gillig-Degrave
Fritz W. Haver
Christine Heise
Julia Lorenz
Edo Reents

25 Hard and Heavy

Thorsten Dörting
Boris Kaiser
Sebastian Kessler
Felix Mescoli
Katrin Riedl

26 Alternative

Johanna Dürrholz
Sandra Gern
Tobias Rüther
Juliane Streich
Jan Ulrich Welke

27 Club and Dance

Laura Aha
Tim Caspar Boehme
Cristina Plett
Christian Tjaben
Nastassja von der Weiden

28 Electronic and Experimental

Guido Halfmann
Jörg Peter Klotz
Olaf Maikopf
Isabel Steppeler
Jean Trouillet

29 Blues

Dagmar Fulle
Karl Leitner
Christian Pfarr
Michael Rauhut
Tim Schauen

30 R&B, Soul and Hip-Hop

Torsten Fuchs
Petra Rieß
Michael Rütten
Jörg Wachsmuth

31 Spoken Word (Verbal Art)

Jörn Florian Fuchs
Michael Grote
Eva Halus
Dorothee Meyer-Kahrweg
Manuela Reichart

32 Recordings for Children and Youth

Carola Benninghoven
Margit Hähner
Regina Himmelbauer
Friederike C. Raderer
Helen Seyd

Inactive members of the PdSK e.V.

Thilo Braun
Helmut Mauró
Stephan Mösch
Ulrich Olshausen
Michael Struck-Schloen
Bjørn Woll