Honorary Awards

The annual committee of the PdSK awards Honorary Awards in the form of certificates to outstanding personalities who, as interpreters, artists, or producers, have made a noteworthy contribution to the recording of music on audio and video mediums.

Producer 2022

Manfred Eicher  © Richard Schroeder / ECM Records
© Richard Schroeder / ECM Records

Manfred Eicher

Not many Europeans exist who can claim to have helped shape the course of jazz – this great music of black America. Perhaps Manfred Eicher is the only one. With ECM, his record company, founded in the early seventies, he produced hundreds of recordings and managed to shape a unique aesthetic and attitude: a chamber music-style sound, a certain kind of cover design, signs of his love for the artists. Eicher is everything for the music: the producer, co-thinker, traveling salesman, impresario. The Art Ensemble of Chicago, Keith Jarrett, Jan Garbarek, Tomasz Stańko – this mix of artists on ECM is held together by Eicher’s taste. All this also applies to the exquisite classical music recordings, old and new, which he has been producing for many years. He gave Steve Reich and Arvo Pärta a home, all of which only underscores the world-embracing curiosity of this renaissance man of sounds. For the annual committee: Tobias Rapp

Since it is not yet possible to foresee when we will finally be able to celebrate and honor our award winner live, the official laudatio for Manfred Eicher is being read on YouTube.

Producer 2021

Ute Kleeberg  © Eva Brandecker
© Eva Brandecker

Ute Kleeberg

A quarter of a century ago, the pop-musicalization of the world had progressed so far that hardly any songs were sung in kindergartens anymore, but they were sung in casting shows instead. New words were needed, and there was talk of »Education«. Ute Kleeberg stepped into this tricky situation with a revolutionary idea: she told the children old fairy tales again. And at the points where a window could be opened into the realm of the imagination, she played them all kinds of rare, romantic chamber music pieces. Together with her husband, the clarinetist Uwe Stoffel, she founded the Edition See-Igel. More than forty children’s audiobooks have been produced since then, with first-class narrators and enchanting music, professionally recorded, all of the finest quality. Some of the stories invented by Ute Kleeberg herself have long since become classics, such as »Sternenstaub« (1995). Others she brings back out of obscurity, or she carefully rewrites familiar stories, such as »Das tapfere Schneiderlein« (2020). Language and music intertwine so easily and naturally, as though it was the simplest thing in the world. Often these stories were awarded. Now, finally: the PdSK Honorary Award for the entire edition. For the annual committee: Eleonore Büning

Since it is not yet possible to foresee when we will finally be able to celebrate and honor our award winner live, the official laudatio for Ute Kleeberg is being read on YouTube.

The certificate of honour was presented on 18th November 2021 at her hometown Reutlingen.

Producer 2020

Alberto Basso  © Privat
© Privat

Alberto Basso

If there is someone who has refuted Igor Stravinsky’s much-quoted bon mot that Antonio Vivaldi is »a boring man who composed the same concert six hundred times«, it is the musicologist Alberto Basso, born in Turin in 1931. The Vivaldi edition he initiated and supervised for »Naïve« began in 2001 with an album with Concerti da camera and now comprises fifty-eight episodes – and it is far from over: one of the largest publishing projects in record history. The plan is to record all of Vivaldi’s approximately 450 works, the manuscripts of which are now in the National Library of Turin: operas and church music, arias, cantatas, sonatas, symphonies – and of course countless concerti, none of which are the same. With every new CD release of the edition, the wealth of this repertoire amazes the listener, and Basso’s passion and competence guarantee top-class interpretations and scientific accuracy – a life’s work! For the annual committee: Michael Stegemann

Maestro Alberto Basso accepted the PdSK Honorary Award for his Vivaldi Edition on the label naive in Turin, at a Vivaldi conference in the Lingotto – it was ceremoniously presented, complete with laudatory speech and champagne, in Berlin, in the Boris Vian Hall. The video is now available on YouTube.

Producer 2019

Eva Mair-Holmes  © Stefanie Giesder
© Stefanie Giesder

Eva Mair-Holmes

If in 2018 a hip and local compilation appears with the Bavarian capital Munich as its focus, one shouldn’t be worried: everything that the Trikont label published bears witness to cosmopolitan outlook and local pride alike. Internationalism is paired with Roots-research and makes Trikonts range grow with each new publication into a liberal world cultural heritage in a class of its own. Eva Mair-Holmes runs the publishing house and music label, the company being a continuation of what began as a collective in the sixties, after her partner and husband Achim Bergmann died in March in 2018. With conviction, fearlessness, and experience, she guarantees the preservation of an influential assortment between the Bavarian Alm and Caribbean beaches, between the mining of historical gold and contemporary innovation, documented on numerous compilation albums that are among the highlights of editorial publishing work. Trikont is one of the oldest indie labels in the world, the company motto »Our own Voice« a beacon of German music culture. For its quality and continued existence stands Eva Mair-Holmes. For the annual committee: Christine Heise

The certificate of honour was presented on the 10th May 2019 at the High End Fair of Munich.

Producer 2017

Palazzetto Bru Zane  © Eric Vandeville
© Eric Vandeville

Palazzetto Bru Zane

Producer 2013

Rolf W. Stoll

Rolf W. Stoll

Producer 2011

Simon Perry

Simon Perry

Producer 2010

Peter Finger  © Manfred Pollert
© Manfred Pollert

Peter Finger

Producer 2009

Burkhard Schmilgun  © Annette Flentge
© Annette Flentge

Burkhard Schmilgun

Producer 2008

Mark Obert-Thorn

Mark Obert-Thorn

Producer 2007

Reiner E. Moritz

Reiner E. Moritz

Producer 2006

Harald Quendler

Harald Quendler

Producer 2005

Klaus L. Neumann und Barbara Schwendowius

Klaus L. Neumann und Barbara Schwendowius

Producer 2004

Bruno Monsaingeon  © Alain Roux
© Alain Roux

Bruno Monsaingeon

Producer 2003

Richard Weize und Bear Family

Richard Weize und Bear Family

Producer 2002

Andreas Spreer

Andreas Spreer

Producer 2001

Stefan Winter  © Jean-Baptiste Millot
© Jean-Baptiste Millot

Stefan Winter

Producer 1999

Robert von Bahr (Label BIS)

Robert von Bahr (Label BIS)

Producer 1998

Siegfried Loch (WEA/ACT)  © Sophia Spring
© Sophia Spring

Siegfried Loch (WEA/ACT)

Producer 1997

Musikproduktion Dabringhaus und Grimm  © Ulrich Heinemann
© Ulrich Heinemann

Musikproduktion Dabringhaus und Grimm

Producer 1996

Matthias Winckelmann

Matthias Winckelmann

Producer 1995

Klaus Heymann

Klaus Heymann

Producer 1994

Werner X. Uehlinger

Werner X. Uehlinger

Producer 1993

Wolf Erichson

Wolf Erichson

Producer 1992

Carl E. Jefferson

Carl E. Jefferson

Producer 1991

Jürgen E. Schmidt (Preiser)  © Elisabeth Schmidt
© Elisabeth Schmidt

Jürgen E. Schmidt (Preiser)

Producer 1990

Jost Gebers

Jost Gebers
