Quarterly Critic’s Choice

The best and most interesting new releases of the previous three months are awarded a place on the Quarterly Critic’s Choice. Evaluation criteria are artistic quality, repertoire value, presentation, and sound quality. From 2014 onward, the Long Lists are stored directly with each Quarterly Critic’s Choice.

Quarterly Critic’s Choice

Recordings for Children and Youth

»Huhn oder Ei« (Chicken or egg)

Johannes Kirchberg sings James Krüss. Johannes Kirchberg, Joerg Nassler. dermenschistgut Musik INDIGO CD 252042 (Indigo)

Johannes Kirchberg has made a name for himself with musical-literary German-language programmes about Kästner, Tucholsky and most recently Hans Leip. And now he has made a programme for children. Kirchberg has discovered the poems of James Krüss – and set them to music. His pleasure is audible when he performs Krüss’s linguistic tinkering. He relies on his own voice – and on acoustic instruments that are seldom found in children’s music. Texts such as the journey to the »Land of Pimpluzie« are toyed with, but never explained. But just as you immerse yourself in this congenial cosmos, the CD is over. What a pity! For the jury: Carola Benninghoven
